Toyota 4Runner Rust and Corrosion

Manufacturing Defect Results in Severe Toyota 4Runner Rust

Toyota 4Runner Rust Claim

Toyota 4Runner Corrosion and Rust

Toyota 4Runners from model years 2005 to 2011 have been found to develop excessive rust corrosion of the vehicle frame. Toyota 4Runner frame rust compromises the safety, stability and crashworthiness of the vehicle, putting drivers, passengers and other motorists at risk for serious accidents and injuries. Excessive rust on other Toyota vehicles has been acknowledged and repaired by the company, yet Toyota still denies there is a problem with Toyota 4Runner rust.

Critics say Toyota executives have been aware of the 4Runner rust problem since at least 2016 yet have failed to warn consumers or offer a remedy for the problem. Attorneys handling Toyota 4Runner rust lawsuits believe persons and the family members of persons who have been harmed as a result of Toyota 4Runner rust may be eligible for significant compensation. This page examines the origins of Toyota 4Runner rust, the effect on the vehicle's frame and safety performance, and product liability claims for Toyota 4Runner rust.

Toyota 4Runners, model years 2005-2011, have been found to develop severe and excessive rust throughout the undercarriage and frame, rendering these vehicles unsafe and inoperable within years of purchase. Unaware of the hazard, vehicle owners may be driving dangerously rusted Toyota 4Runners unaware they are at risk for severe injury. The Toyota 4Runner rust problem includes the 4Runner SR%, the 4Runner Limited, and the 4Runner Sport Edition.

Toyota 4Runner Rust

Toyota 4Runners utilize a design known as "body on frame". This means that the frame of the vehicle serves as its core structure, providing rigidity and stability to the vehicles and protecting persons in the passenger compartment in the case of collision. The frame prevents twisting and guards against dangerous forces that are routinely exerted on a vehicle during the course of normal driving, such as vehicle handling, accelerating, braking, engine torque, and travel across uneven surfaces.

In addition to providing stability, the frame serves as an attachment point for key vehicle components such as the suspension, the engine, the transmission and the body. Toyota 4Runner rust results in corrosion of these vital mounts, compromising the integrity of the vehicle during ordinary operation and putting motorists at severe risk in the case of a collision.

In addition to providing stability, the frame serves as an attachment point for key vehicle components such as the suspension, the engine, the transmission and the body. Toyota 4Runner rust results in corrosion of these vital mounts, compromising the integrity of the vehicle during ordinary operation and putting motorists at severe risk in the case of a collision.

4Runner Rust Linked to Manufacturing Problem

Between 2003 and 2009, Toyota's manufacturer, Dana Holding Corp., neglected to apply an anti-corrosion agent to the frame and undercarriage, resulting in the premature rusting and dangerous corrosion of millions of vehicles. Since at least 2016, Toyota of North America has been aware of the Toyota rust problem; in that year, the company reached a settlement of approximately $3.4 billion to resolve Toyota rust issues in 1.5 million vehicles.

The Toyota rust settlement provided funding to replace the corroded frames on three different models: Tacomas, Sequoias, and Tundras, which had been found to develop severe rust leading to corrosion. Toyota 4Runners were excluded from the Toyota Rust settlement. However, numerous Toyota 4Runner owners who have watched their vehicles succumb to severe rust and corrosion are now seeking to hold Toyota responsible through a Toyota 4Runner products liability lawsuit.

Toyota claims to use the "most advanced technology available" to prevent corrosion and rust, yet millions of motorists have been put at risk due to excessive Toyota 4Runner rust. Toyota 4Runner rust and corrosion compromise the vehicles' ability to withstand a collision or minimize damage to individuals in the passenger compartment. At this time, the company continues to insist Toyota 4Runners are safe.

Product Liability Claims for Toyota 4Runner Rust

The Toyota 4Runner rust lawsuit was filed by Gary Weinrich of South Carolina. Weinrich purchased a new Toyota 4Runner in 2005. At a routine maintenance appointment in 2011, a mechanic at a Toyota service center reported finding excessive rust on the undercarriage and drive shaft transmission. Then in 2013, again at a Toyota service center, a mechanic reported finding excessive 4Runner rust including the undercarriage, splash shield, exhaust and shocks but told Weinrich the vehicle was still safe to drive.

In 2017, Weinrich took the vehicle to a Meineke Car Care center. Noting rust on the 4Runner that he described as "excessive frame corrosion", the manager told Weinrich about the recent Toyota rust settlement. Thinking his vehicle had the same manufacturing problem, Weinrich contacted Toyota, only to be told his vehicle was not included in the Toyota rust settlement and the rust on his 4Runner was his own responsibility.

Weinrich continued to drive the vehicle until May of 2018, when a violent vibration in the vehicle caused him to lose control and drive off the road. Upon examination, it was discovered that the excessive 4Runner rust had resulted in the right front control arm rusting off the frame. When this happened, Weinrich lost control of the right front wheel. Thankfully, no one was injured but the vehicle was deemed inoperable with no possibility for repair.

Toyota neglected to apply an anti-Corrosion agent to 4Runner frames, causing dangerous rust and corrosion on millions of vehicles

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4Runner Rust

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4Runner Rust Lawsuits

We provide expert legal representation for Toyota 4Runner rust claims nationwide.

Toyota 4Runners are prone to excessive rust corrosion, putting motorists at risk.

4Runner Rust

Owners of 2005 - 2011 4Runners may be eligible to file a claim against Toyota.

4Runner Rust Claim

We have a track record of winning large settlements in product liability lawsuits.

4Runner Rust Lawsuit

A $3.4 billion settlement in 2016 fixed some Toyota rust problems but excluded 4Runners.

4Runner Rust Class Action

As leading product liability attorneys, we offer expert legal representation nationwide.

4Runner Rust Compensation

Toyota 4Runner rust is the result of a serious manufacturing error that renders 4Runners dangerous and defective.

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No-Cost, No-Obligation Toyota 4Runner Lawsuit Case Review for Excessive Rust and Corrosion Claims

The Onder Law Firm is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. The Onder Law Firm has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, Truvada, Risperdal and others. The Onder Law Firm won $197 million in three talcum powder ovarian cancer lawsuits in St. Louis in 2016 and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.

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